Character Designs + Storyboards

Here are the final character design for the 5 characters I work on for our Collaboration project. This post also includes their character traits, as well as the storyboards of their skits.

 “Michael Jordan”

Superhero name: /
Age: 8
Stereotype: Black Sporty Kid
Action: Trying to shoot a 2D basketball in a hoop
Power: Enhanced Accuracy (The ability to achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets.)
Prop: 2D Basketball

 “Veruca Salt”

Superhero name: Popcorn
Age: 7
Stereotype: Class Princess
Action: Singing heavy metal
Power: Sound manipulation
Prop: Microphone / Banner

“Cedrick S***tery” 

Superhero name: Brown Lantern
Age: 6
Stereotype: Gross child (the child that looks like they never wash)
Action: Farting
Power: Magic Gas
Prop: None 

“Big Billy” 

Superhero name: /
Age: 10
Stereotype: Class Giant
Action: Playing Piano in the background - making sound effects too
Power: Enhanced Musicianship
Prop: Piano 

“John Travolta” 

Superhero name: Slay
Age: 10
Stereotype: Gay kid
Action: dancing
Power: Transforming / Dance Manipulation
Prop: none 


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